
Сообщения за 2015

More BLOOD for the BLOOD GOD

Vampire Skill Bloodstone steals blood, I think ... Anyway , it's a simple effect with simple shaders . Made with Unity .

few months ago

I created the animation for these ghosts.   Gif are not smooth , but the animation was cyclical . Animation is difficult. Model, Animation - Blender made with Unity

Another way to die

Some Update. Made with Unity.

VFX(personal levelup)

Phoenix Revive Another attempt to improve my skills. C haracter model was found on the Internet. Made with Unity ( Shuriken ).

Holographic solar system.

holographic solar system made with Unity.

Some of my VFX for games.(alot of big GIF)

For a long time I did not write anything here. A difficult time for me. Study takes almost all the time. I'm trying to finish my education. Oops, distracted by the stories. Here I collected work shows my current level on GameVFX. Soon i will try to make video(showreel) for my portfolio, but now i will load gif images for showing of my progress.                                                                             Smoke Toon water Old Ship Muzzleflash (Ship and water not my work) Speedforce power (Character by Unity Assets) W.I.P Project (If i failed NDA please contact me? i will delete it immediately) ForceField Explosion TeleportBeam and Impact (pedestal not my work)